


湖北师范大学先进材料研究院讲师。201512月毕业于东南大学,获工学博士学位,先后在中科院苏州纳米所、华南理工大学等多家高校和科研机构从事学术研究工作。主要从事功能陶瓷纳米纤维材料的设计与合成,陶瓷前驱体的合成与应用,柔性陶瓷纤维材料及其复合材料在水系超级电容器中的储能性能研究等相关工作。到目前为止,第一作者或通讯作者在Ceramics InternationalSustainable Energy & FuelsElectrochim ActaChemistry-a European Journal等高水平期刊发表论文10余篇。以主要发明人身份获得国家授权专利两项。



2022.6 – 至今           湖北师范大学先进材料研究院                  讲师

2021.9 – 2022.6    广东省科学院中乌焊接研究所           研究人员

2018.4 – 2021.9    华南理工大学前沿软物质研究院         博士后

2016.4 – 2018.2    中科院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所   助理研究员

2009.09 – 2015.12       东南大学材料物理与化学专业               硕博连读

2005.09 – 2009.06       中山大学应用化学专业                      学士












1M. Lu, H. Li, S. Li, F. Yang, Y. Cao*, W. Qiu, A study of the synergetic effect between graphene oxide and transition metal oxides for energy storage, Sustainable Energy & Fuels, (2022).

2P. Tang, Y. Cao*, H. Li, M. Lu, W. Qiu, The preparation of high-performance aqueous supercapacitor with high-entropy pyrochlore-type electrode and super-concentrated electrolyte, Ceramics International, 48 (2022) 2660-2669.

3Y. Cao, P. Tang, S. Li, W. Qiu, High energy storage performance of Sr-doped lanthanum titanate flexible self-supporting film for all-solid-state supercapacitor application, Journal of Materials Science, 56 (2021) 13243–13258.

4M. Lu, Y. Cao*, Y. Xue, W. Qiu, Preparation of Graphene Oxide/La2Ti2O7 Composites with Enhanced Electrochemical Performances for Supercapacitors, Acs Omega, 6 (2021) 27994-28003.

5P. Tang, Y. Cao*, W. Qiu, Preparation and Properties of an Ultrahigh-Energy-Density Aqueous Supercapacitor with a Superconcentrated Electrolyte and a Sr-Modified Lanthanum Zirconate Flexible Electrode, Acs Omega, 6 (2021) 24720-24730.

6Y. Cao, P. Tang, Y. Han, W. Qiu, The Application of a Y-Modified Lanthanum Zirconate Flexible Thin Film for a High-Performance Flexible Supercapacitor, Chemistry-a European Journal, 26 (2020) 14654-14664.

7Y. Cao, P. Tang, Y. Han, W. Qiu, Synthesis of La2Ti2O7 flexible self-supporting film and its application in flexible energy storage device, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 842 (2020).

8Y. Cao, P. Tang, W. Qiu, T. Zhao, Preparation of Y-Doped La2Ti2O7 Flexible Self-Supporting Films and Their Application in High-Performance Flexible All-Solid-State Supercapacitor Devices, ACS omega, 5 (2020) 29722-29732.

9Cao Y, Lin B P, Sun Y, et al. Synthesis, structure and electrochemical properties of lanthanum manganese nanofibers doped with Sr and Cu. J Alloys Compd, 2015, 638: 204-213. 

10Cao Y, Lin B P, Sun Y, et al. Structure, morphology and electrochemical properties of LaxSr1-xCo0.1Mn0.9O3-delta perovskite nanofibers prepared by electrospinning method. J Alloys Compd, 2015, 624: 31-39.

11Cao Y, Lin B P, Sun Y, et al.Sr-doped Lanthanum Nickelate Nanofibers for High Energy Density Supercapacitors. Electrochim Acta, 2015, 170: 41-50.

12Cao Y, Lin B P, Sun Y, et al. Symmetric/Asymmetric Supercapacitor Based on the Perovskite-type Lanthanum Cobaltate Nanofibers with Sr-substitution. Electrochim Acta, 2015, 178: 398-406.


1. 一锅法制备致密银包铜粉的方法。(授权号:CN103128308B

2. 一种水溶性氧化锆前驱体及其制备方法与应用(授权号:CN112521614B)