


田冬霞,女,1992年生,博士,讲师,硕士生导师。20216月获得中国科学技术大学材料学专业博士学位,主要从事铁电体和半导体的挠曲电和压电性能的研究。目前主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,湖北省教育厅青年基金1项,已经在P  hysical Review Applied, Physical Review Letters, Ceramics International, Journal of Applied Physics,Acta Materialia等国际学术期刊上发表学术论文。



2021.7-至今     湖北师范大学先进材料研究院         讲师

2016.9-2021.6   中国科学技术大学材料学专业          博士

2012.9-2016.6   东北林业大学化学工程与工艺专业      学士






Email: tdx_hzh@163.com



[1] Dongxia Tian, Yu Hou, Qi Pan, and Baojin Chu*, Large Piezoelectriclike Response from Inhomogeneously Deformed            Silicon Crystals, Physical Review Applied, 14, 2020, 034008.

[2]Dongxia Tian, Pan Chen, Xu Yang, and Baojin Chu*, Thickness dependence of dielectric and piezoelectric properties from the      surface layer effect of BaTiO3-based ceramics, Ceramics International. 47, 2021, 17262–17267.

[3] Dongxia Tian, Yu Hou, Wanfeng Zhou, and Baojin Chu*, Flexoelectric response of ferroelectric ceramics with reduced surface layer effect, Journal of Applied Physics, 129, 2021, 194103.

[4] Yu Hou, Dongxia Tian, and Baojin Chu*, Flexoelectric response of (1-x)BaTiO3-xSrTiO3 ceramics, Ceramics International, 46, 2020, 12928-12932.

[5] Xiaotong Zhang, Qi Pan, Dongxia Tian, Wanfeng Zhou, Pan Chen, Haifeng Zhang, and Baojin Chu*, Large Flexoelectriclike Response from the Spontaneously Polarized Surfaces in Ferroelectric Ceramics, Physical Review Letters, 121, 2018, 057602.

[6] Pan Chen, Huijuan. Wang, Dongxia Tian, Caiwen Chen, Xiaoyan Zhang, Rui Xu, Xu Yang, and Bao Jin Chu* , Shape memory effect in Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-based ferroelectric ceramics, Acta Materilia. 223, 2022, 117479.

[7] Dongxia Tian*, Dae-Yong Jeong, Zhenxiao Fu, and Baojin Chu. Flexoelectric effect of ferroelectric materials and its applications. Actuators. MDPI, 2023, 12(3): 114.

[8] Zhaopeng Wang, Jie Liu, Kewang Yi, Pan Chen, Yuhong Zhu, Dongxia Tian, and Baojin Chu*. Shape memory effect and light-induced deformation in Schiff base molecular crystals/PVDF ferroelectric polymer composites. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 455: 140693.